Last night’s super bowl LIX has to be the most disappointing in recent memory…
And remember, I am in the advertising business, so when I say the super bowl was disappointing, I am referring to the commercials just as much as the game…and last night they were both dreadful.
Or to use an overused phrase, last nights game was NOT worth the squeeze!
I am perplexed as to how CEO’s and CMO’s of these multi-billion dollar companies can approve such horrible commercials. Who in their right mind is approving these ads. Yes, I am talking to you Mountain Dew and Pringles. Eight million dollars for 30 seconds and that doesn’t include the hundreds of thousands I’m sure they are spending on filming and post-production…and this is the best you can do??
Before I go any further, Yes there were a few bright spots for ads that are worth mentioning - creatively produced with a great message. Pfizer’s “Knock Out,” Budweiser’s “First Delivery” and Jeep’s “Owners Manual” ads come to mind as excellent examples of money well spent. But these well-done ads were definitely in the minority.
When less than 10% of the ads were worthy of the time and money spent, we as an industry must do better. There are too many talented and creative individuals in this industry to let this happen, and hopefully this is a wake-up call for us all.