Welcome to Chuck Spruill's online portfolio.
The majority of my career has been focused within the walls of local TV stations, managing everything from news production, commercial production, marketing and creative services to special projects, programming, community initiatives and digital media.
I also spent 5 years as the Creative Director for a regional ad agency, leading the creative department from non-existence to a full-service entity, contributing to the agency's multi-million dollar success. In 2007, I established cs3media, a multi-media production company, utilizing my spare time to work with clients, broadcast companies and non-profit charitable organizations creating successful brand, marketing and advertising campaigns.
cre8tive passion
My passion for utilizing visual mediums to tell a story has always been the driving force behind every project I am involved with. I thrive in an environment of like-minded creatives all working in a collaborative effort to tell a story...whether it is a 30 second commercial or promotional announcement...a 4 minute informational video...an hour long program...or a live on-location multi-camera production...I love managing the process of using visuals, music, sfx and graphics to tell a story.
"Now, how can we plus it."
This is a quote from Walt Disney, and it's something I always ask with every project. Disney was a creative perfectionist. He pushed his team beyond what they thought was possible, always with a result that far exceeded expectations. I try to do the same by establishing a creative community around every project. I ask those on my team, "Is there one small tweak, a minor adjustment we can make?" The answer is almost always Yes! And it's usually that one small detail, one enhancement that puts it over the top! Because Disney also said, "Whatever you do, do it well." A simple, and yet very powerful mantra to live by!