as is the case with most Americans that day 20 years ago, I can vividly remember what I was doing, where I was when I first heard the news, and how completely helpless I felt as I watched the tragedy unfold.
I hope we can honor the 2977 people who perished that day by going back to September 12th, 2001…
remember how this great Nation came together as one after that horrific day…remember the politicians, both red and blue as they stood together on the steps of the Capitol in DC singing God Bless America…remember how you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing people flying the American Flag, on their homes, their cars…for weeks and months afterwards, our country was truly “One Nation Under GOD!”
My Prayer is that the memories of today’s anniversary will help us get back to being a more civil, caring and understanding nation, where we can appreciate our differences…knowing that “One Nation Under GOD” is the only way we can move forward.