when tragedy strikes, competition needs to take a rest


here we are, a day after yet another senseless shooting …this time 12 lives taken in Virginia Beach. I worked in this market a few years ago and know how competitive it is. But I also believe that when things like this strike a community, whether it is a hurricane, tornado or a disgruntled employee, the drive to be first, to “win the day” should be replaced by “what can we do to help our community?” and when I say we, I mean ALL media…all tv, radio, newspaper etc should get together as ONE to do what they can.

I once managed a market-wide red cross fundraiser that included multiple radio stations and all TV stations to do a day-long drive to raise money for the red cross…we put our competitive nature aside for that day, and together raised a large amount of desperately-needed money for a very good cause.

Why not do the same now…I already see one of the stations in the Virginia Beach market saying how THEY are going to be there and raise money…that is great…but how hard would it be for all the stations to collectively do the same…I can tell you from experience that it’s NOT hard at all…and the outcome collectively will be much for effective than individually.

stepping down from my soapbox now…