friday fav

I'd like to introduce a new feature for my blog today..."the friday fav."  This will be my way of showcasing a weekly spot, commercial, short film etc...a production I have seen that I admire and would like to share with you.​

This particular spot is a PSA from a couple of years ago.  You may have seen it but it's definitely worth another look.  I have no problem saying this is the most effective, well done spot I have ever seen...period.  Every time I watch this, I get chills.  This PSA has an amazing concept, great use of music, NO voiceover (none needed), spot-on editing and slo-mo ...all I can say is WOW!

please let me know what you think, of this concept in general or of the individual videos I will post.​  Feel free to like, share or leave a comment.

Thanks and have a great weekend!