Pachamama - The World by Drone

Pachamama is translated as Mother Earth...and this short is a breathtaking example of the stunning visuals you can achieve through the use of a drone.

Filmed by Karim IIiya and edited by Amanda Beenen, this film takes you on an astonishing trip around the globe with amazing shots of the awe-inspiring world we are blessed to call home.

My favorite shot is of the erupting Volcano...WOW!!...Put it on full screen, crank up the music and Enjoy!

awesome psa

please watch this PSA from Argentina.  Love the execution of a simple music track, and the storyline about the companionship between a man and his dog that grabs your attention and keeps you hooked right to the end.  And the not so expected ending caps off a very creative, emotional and memorable spot.

well will get chills when you watch.